
Computers Arrive

The linux machines we shipped arrived at Alliance high school last Friday. One of the monitors was broken in transit because I didn't pack it well enough. It might be repairable, though. The rest of the shipment arrived intact, except one computer's power supply appears to be DOA. I also blew out another power supply by forgetting to switch it to 230 volt input. It scared the hell out of me when it blew. Fortunately, the computer itself was unharmed and we were able to swap in a new power supply.

I'm glad to get the linux machines in the lab, because their Win98 machines are awful to use. They take a few minutes to compile a "Hello World" program. I especially dislike Win98 because some of the Alliance students know it better than I do and keep locking everyone out of computers or deleting Java. To throw salt in my wounds, a couple of them leave taunting messages like "Don't be messin' with my computer -- Lord-X". These kids are too smart for their own good. At least we can contain their damage better in Linux than Windows.


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