
Chinese Dinner

After work today, the Alliance principal Mr. Khaemba took the four of us out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Nairobi. He's an extremely nice man and has a can-do attitude. Zahir spoke with him about extending the hours that we're teaching at Alliance, and he was very open to the idea.

A side-note about Alliance: It was the first high school in Kenya for Africans. Before that, all the high schools were only for white colonists. We're teaching at the boys' school, but there is also an Alliance for girls, which is where Bilha went to high school. Alliance gets about 50,000 applicants each year and only has 700 students ages 13-18. This year, the two schools are sending 4 students to MIT. The students' entire day is structured from about 6am to 9pm at night. They have two hours of "free time" for sports, which is when we're teaching our class. These kids are taking their only free time of the day and voluntarily using it to take more classes. Even then, we only took about half the kids who applied.


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